3D Figures

Are you looking for a 3D figure or a 3D shape, then you're at the right place.
We can sculpt in foam your desired shapes and create a beautiful fiberglass creation.
The concept is fully custom made, from design to finish.
Check out some of our realisations
theming, thematisations, blow ups, props, 3D, 3D figures, decoration, themeparcs, themes ball pen, big pen,large stylo, big stylo, promotional item, stylo in fiberglass,  big ball pen,ball pen in polyester,props,  eyecatcher,blowups, decoration object, advertising object, advertising campagne, thematisation, theming, theming company,props, advertising in fiberglass, 3D in fiberglass, fiberglass props 3D nose, big nose, art object, XL nose, nose in fiberglass, nose in polyester, wall decoration, shop decoration, original decoration, interior decoration, exterior decoration, set for stand construction, eye catcher for stand construction, stand design, eye catcher for stand at trade show, decoration trade show stand, trade show stand , blow up for trade show booth, prop for trade show booth, blowup for business booth, stand construction, scenery piece for business booth, set piece for pop up stand, blow up for pop up shop, set piece in styropor, styropor eye catcher for company, eye catchers for stand builders, polystyrene sculpture, EPS sculpture, EPS sculpting, sculptor, EPS key, polystyrene key, large key, XL key, set decoration, setprops, replica key, stage attribute, stage prop, stage prop, TV prop, set construction, prop, set decoration, props, blowups         red lips, glossy lips, sweet lips,XL lips, 3D mouth, 3D lips, lip art, large lips in fiberglass, lips in eps, lips in styrofoam, wall decoration, shop decoration, white teeth, teeth in eps, teeth in fiberglass, mouth advertisement, lipeyecatcher, lip blowup, XL lips, handicraft, gag, propmaker, wall prop, dancing decoration, 3D lips, lips sculpt,rote lippen, große lippen aus polyester, lippen aus eps, lippen aus styropor, wanddekoration, ladendekoration, weiße zähne zähne aus eps, zähne aus polyester, mundwerbung, lippenfänger, lippenexplosion, xl lippen, kunsthandwerk, knebel, propmaker, wandstütze, tanzdekoration, 3D Lippen, Lippenskulptur big egg, blow up egg, XL egg, 3D egg, fiberglass egg, egg in resine, egg in fiberglass, egg 125cm, egg 110cm, egg 135cm, Easter egg, Easter decoration, decoration egg, egg on base, decoration Easter egg, sidewalk decoration, wall decoration , shop decoration, original decoration, interior decoration, exterior decoration, OOH advertising, OOH object, set for stand construction, eyecatcher for stand construction, stand fittings, eyecatcher for stand at trade fair, furnishing stand, trade show stand, blow up for trade show stand, prop for trade show stand, blowup for trade stand, stand construction, decorative piece for business stand, decorative piece for pop up stand, blow up for pop up shop, decorative piece in polystyrene, polystyrene eye catcher for company, eye catchers for stand builders, polystyrene sculpture, EPS sculpture, EPS sculpting, sculptor, EPS key, polystyrene key, large key, XL key, set decoration, setprops, replica key, stage attribute, stage prop, stage prop, TV prop, set construction, prop, set decoration, props, blowups        
image of a croissant, 3D croissant, large croissant, wall decoration, wall advertisement, turnkey decoration, wall advertisement, OOH, publicity object, croissant on wall, sidewalk advertisement, croissant on base, eyecatcher, blowup, blow ups, magnification, magnified object, polyester croissant, plastic advertising , sculpting, sculpture, croissant in EPS, fiberglass customization, set decoration, setprops, replica key, stage attribute, stage prop, stage prop, TV prop, set construction, prop, set decoration, props, blowups         polyester key image, 3D key, polystyrene sculpture, EPS sculpture, EPS sculpting, sculptor, EPS key, polystyrene key, large key, XL key, set decoration, setprops, replica key, stage attribute, stage prop, stage prop, TV prop, set construction, prop, set decoration, props, blowups theming, thematisations, blow ups, props, 3D, 3D figures, decoration, themeparcs, themes, decoration for trade show, advertising props, advertising object, promotional item fiberglass object, bully, pickup bully, samba, panel,transporter,gocart body, pedal car, tot rod, cox, beetle, combi, replica, wall decoration,life size sculpture
3D figures, 3D praline, 3D chocolates, decoration, background decoration,theater, props in fiberglass, film decoration,amusement park,theming, themepark, fairground, fairground decoration, indoor playground,theme, decoration in fiberglass,  fiberglass design,pirate ship, pirate boat, themepark, roller coaster, family park, theme area, theming, props, sculptures, themed environments, entertainment, amusement parks, stand building, playgrounds, creative constructions, thematic eye-catchers,recreational area, Coating of figures,thematic elements, stages, props in fiberglass afbeelding van fiberglass burger, XL burger, fiberglass object, fiberglass hamburger, XL hamburger, fiberglass decoration,props, blow ups, theming, thematisation afbeelding van fiberglass art, TIKI, TIKI style in fiberglass, TIKI decoration, TIKI in fiberglass,props, blowups, 3D object, 3D figure, fiberglass design< bath duck, styrofoam duck, bath duck in eps, sculpting duck, big duck in styrofoam, duck in polyester, bath duck in polyester, XL bath duck, XL duck, decoration duck, advertising object,canard de bain, canard de bain en polystyrène, canard de bain en eps, canard sculptant, grand canard en polystyrène, canard en polyester, canard de bain en polyester, canard de bain XL, canard XL, canard de décoration, objet publicitaire,Badeente, Styroporente, Badeente in EPS, Skulpturente, Große Ente in Styropor, Ente in Polyester, Badeente in Polyester, XL-Badeente, XL-Ente, Dekorationsente, Werbegegenstand,entendekoration, werbegegenstand, themendekoration, setbau, setdekoration, polyesterbilder, polyesterfiguren, polyesterbild, filmrequisiten, requisiten, bürgersteigdekoration, wanddekoration, ladendekoration, originaldekoration, innendekoration, außendekoration, ooh werbung, ooh objekt, set für den standbau, eyecatcher für Standbau, Standausstattung, Eyecatcher für Messestand, Messestand aufbauen, Messestand, Messestand aufblasen, Messestand aufbauen, Messestand aufbauen, Messestand aufblasen, Messestand aufbauen, Messestand aufbauen, Messestand aufblasen, Messestand aufblasen, Messestand aufblasen Styropor, Styropor Eye Catcher für Unternehmen, Eye Catcher für Messebauer  
An idea or project?  Contact us