Set props

Props are an important part of a mise-en-scene of a movie, play, television production, photo shoot, ...
We already made numerous props, items that can be placed on stage and cinema, and objects that can be used by actors in scenes.
Below some of our realizations:

replica saw, replica circular saw, replica chain saw,set props, movieprops, actionprops, movie set props, design props, 3D art design,poly theming,  tv sculpture, movie sculpture, film sculpture, trade show props, original prop,theater prop halloween prop, halloween tent,theming, theming company, thematization, halloween theming,halloween decoration, scaring theme,scary, horror, halloween decor, halloween requisite, crime scene, horror theme,set props, movieprops, actionprops, movie set props, design props, 3D art design,poly theming,  tv sculpture, movie sculpture, film sculpture, trade show props, original prop,theater prop polyester key image, 3D key, polystyrene sculpture, EPS sculpture, EPS sculpting, sculptor, EPS key, polystyrene key, large key, XL key, set decoration, setprops, replica key, stage attribute, stage prop, stage prop, TV prop, set construction, prop, set decoration, props, blowups bath duck, styrofoam duck, bath duck in eps, sculpting duck, big duck in styrofoam, duck in polyester, bath duck in polyester, XL bath duck, XL duck, decoration duck, advertising object,canard de bain, canard de bain en polystyrène, canard de bain en eps, canard sculptant, grand canard en polystyrène, canard en polyester, canard de bain en polyester, canard de bain XL, canard XL, canard de décoration, objet publicitaire,Badeente, Styroporente, Badeente in EPS, Skulpturente, Große Ente in Styropor, Ente in Polyester, Badeente in Polyester, XL-Badeente, XL-Ente, Dekorationsente, Werbegegenstand,entendekoration, werbegegenstand, themendekoration, setbau, setdekoration, polyesterbilder, polyesterfiguren, polyesterbild, filmrequisiten, requisiten, bürgersteigdekoration, wanddekoration, ladendekoration, originaldekoration, innendekoration, außendekoration, ooh werbung, ooh objekt, set für den standbau, eyecatcher für Standbau, Standausstattung, Eyecatcher für Messestand, Messestand aufbauen, Messestand, Messestand aufblasen, Messestand aufbauen, Messestand aufbauen, Messestand aufblasen, Messestand aufbauen, Messestand aufbauen, Messestand aufblasen, Messestand aufblasen, Messestand aufblasen Styropor, Styropor Eye Catcher für Unternehmen, Eye Catcher für Messebauer set decoration, TV decor, stage decoration, stage decoration, XX, XX expedition robinson, large letters in styrofoam, large figures in styrofoam, blowups, blowup in styrofoam, propmaker, props, TVprops, stageprops, hot wire cutting, contour cutting, foamcutting, 3D foam, 3D object, 3D letter, setdesign, setdesigner, foamdecoration, foammilling, eps3D, polisirolo, styrofoam, foamcarving, 3D signs, signs, 3D props, polyurethane, foamsculpt, foamsigns   
image of tv decor, tv prop, setprop, setdecor, setdecoration, props, grass stems, Blow Up, TV program blow Up, theming, sculpting, set design, prop maker, propmaking, sculpture, casting, polyester casting, polyester design, eyecatcher     image of fiberglass suitcase, luggage, travel suitcase in fiberglass, replica travel suitcase, setdecorations, prop, set decoration, setprops, stage prop, stageprops, TV prop, set construction, prop, set decoration, ball for photo shoot, props, blowups theming, thematisation, blow ups, props,3D figures, set decoration, parades,parade,parades, carnival, floats,  parade float, parade float, karneval, karneval kostum, karneval parade, carnival float, carnival costume, theatralisation,requiqites, blowups, eyecatcher, 3D object, prop, sculpting,thematisation,theming, advertising object,themes, movie props, theming works afbeelding van replica fonte stove, replica stove, set prop, movie prop, set decoration, actionprop, movieprop, filmprop, props, blowups, blow-ups, eyecacther,thematisation, theatralisation, theming, actionprops, themingcompany,filmprops, setprops, movieprops, decoration in fiberglass image of star in styrofoam, star, stars, Christmas star, Christmas stars, large Christmas star, XL Christmas star, XXL star, 5 stars, 3 stars, 4 stars, star in polystyrene, star in polystyrene, star in polystyrene, star in EPS, star in tempex, styrofoam cutting, styrofoam shapes, styrofoam object, contour cutting, styrofoam sculpting ,, setprop, filmprop, film attribute, prop, prop in styrofoam, stage prop, television prop, television plug, blowup, styrofoam blow up, blow up in decoration, styrofoam decoration, eyecacther, stage props, props, set construction, decoration, blow up for photo shoot    
image of ax, ax in rubber, replica ax, soft ax, fake ax, prop, props, action prop, action prop, combat prop, combat tool, war film prop, battle scene prop, rubber prop, silicone prop, set prop, movie prop, film prop, film attribute, prop, styrofoam prop, rubber prop, stage prop, television prop, television plug, stage props, props, set construction, decorative pieces, set pieces      image of wedding cake in styrofoam, wedding cake in styrofoam, pie in styrofoam, pie in styropor, pie in EPS, pie in tempex, styrofoam cutting, cake in styrofoam, cake in polystyrene, pie dummy in styrofoam, pie discs in styrofoam, styrofoam sculpting, styrofoam blocks, setprop, blocks film plug, film attribute, props, prop in styrofoam, stage prop, television prop, television plug, blowup, polysterene blow up, blow up in styrofoam, eyecacther, stage props, props, set construction, decoration, polyester images, polyester figures, EPS sculpture, polysterene sculpture, sculpting, sculptor     image of candlestick, candlestick candelabrum in rubber, soft candlestick, imitation candlestick, rubber molds, rubber creation, rubber plug, rubber plug, silicone plug, set plug, film plug, rubber mold, rubber molds, object in rubber, prop in rubber, filmatic rib, prop, props in styrofoam, prop. in rubber, stage props, television prop, television plug, stage props, props, stage design, decorative pieces, scenery     jesus, jesus statue in polyester, jesus statue in vinylester, replica jesus statue, christ statue, replica christ statue, movie prop, film prop, set prop, decor, film decor, film decoration, film prop, stage prop, prop, wall decoration, prop, prop maker, propmaking, prop, setprop, filmprop, film attribute, prop, stage prop, television prop, television plug, props, props, set construction, decorative pieces, decorative items         door in polyester, setprop, movieprop, film sets, underwater plug, scenery piece, set construction, Movie Props, movie Replicas, Props From Movies, Film props, TV Show Props, prop, props, prop in polyester, prop maker, sculptor, stand construction, set decoration, props, blowups, set decoration, props, film props, set wall, prop, blow ups       
red lips, glossy lips, sweet lips,XL lips, 3D mouth, 3D lips, lip art, large lips in fiberglass, lips in eps, lips in styrofoam, wall decoration, shop decoration, white teeth, teeth in eps, teeth in fiberglass, mouth advertisement, lipeyecatcher, lip blowup, XL lips, handicraft, gag, propmaker, wall prop, dancing decoration, 3D lips, lips sculpt     theme, 3d lipstick, red lipstick, large lipstick in fiberglass, lipstick in eps, lipstick in styrofoam, wall decoration, shop decoration, shop window decoration, decor, prop, propmaker, wall prop, dancing decoration, set construction, props, blowup, magnified, trompe à l'oeil , eye catcher, movie props, polyester customization, art creations, hand lay-up editing, moldings, theming,thema, 3d lippenstift, roter lippenstift, großer lippenstift aus polyester, lippenstift aus eps, lippenstift aus styropor, wanddekoration, ladendekoration, schaufensterdekoration, dekor, stütze, stützenmacher, wandstütze, tanzdekoration, satzbau, stützen, vergrößert, trompe à l'oeil , Hingucker, Filmrequisiten, Polyesteranpassungen, Kunstkreationen, Hand-Lay-up-Bearbeitung, Formteile, Themengestaltung,thème, rouge à lèvres 3d, rouge à lèvres, grand rouge à lèvres en polyester, rouge à lèvres à eps, rouge à lèvres à la mousse de polystyrène, décoration murale, décoration de magasin, décoration de vitrine, décor, accessoire, décorateur, décorateur, accessoire de mur, décoration murale, décoration de salon, accessoires de montage, accessoires , eye catcher, accessoires de cinéma, personnalisation du polyester, créations artistiques, montage à la main, moulures, thématisation, cnc hot wire , propmaker, 3Dfoam, styropor, 3D cutting, 3D lips, foamcutting, airpop image of a replica barkas, full-size barkas, fiberglass barkas, set piece, set construction, movieprop, film plug,setprop, stage plug, stage prop, the lady in the van, prop, props ball 2 diameter, ball 1 diameter, ball 200cm, ball 100 cm, set props, movieprops, actionprops, movie set props, design props, 3D art design,poly theming,  tv sculpture, movie sculpture, film sculpture, trade show props, original prop,theater prop     
image of vase, XL vase, large vase, designer vase, custom made, custom polyester custom made, vase in fiberglass, prop, setprop, filmprop, film attribute, prop, stage prop, television prop, television plug, props, props, set construction, decorative pieces, decorative items          image of a battery in fiberglass, large battery in polyester, large bebat battery in fiberglass, film prop, advertising prop, prop for advertising shoot, advertising campaign, eye catcher, enlargement of a battery, XL battery, 3D object in fiberglass, eye catcher, product enlargement, product enlargement in polyester, eye-catcher in fiberglass, advertising object, fiberglass customization, shop decoration, advertising object, publicity object, promotional material, advertising object, theatricalization, thematization, fiberglass prop        props for movie the forgotten battle, replica stove, set prop, movie prop, set decoration, actionprop, movieprop, filmprop, props, blowups, blow-ups, eyecacther,thematisation, theatralisation, theming, actionprops, themingcompany,filmprops, setprops, movieprops, decoration in fiberglass    

Looking for a set prop in fibreglass, rubber or silicone?  Contact us